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May 09, 2008


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The Story Lady

Joseph Campbell never knew how much he influenced the way I think. I first "met him" through a series on public television that ran over 20 years ago called The Power Of Myth, which now thanks to technology I own on DVD. I was a teenager when this series ran and I always felt that humans are more alike than we are different.

Campbell's decades of studying all the great spiritual and mythic traditions of the world showed him there is one story common to all cultures. He calls it the monomyth or the Hero's Journey. It is common in every single culture worldwide, even those with no contact with what we would call civilization.

This Vogler CD series you mention sounds wonderful. I have his book.

I'm excited to find read the replies to your question.

The Story Lady of Storyation.com

Marnie Pehrson Kuhns

Hi Ronda! Thanks for taking the time to post. :) I have the Power of Myth interviews with Joseph Campbell on VHS and watched them recently. While I don't agree with his conclusions about the nature of God/man, I found the fact that the same stories (i.e. a Savior/resurrection motif) re-occurs throughout all civilizations very fascinating. His hero's journey (as explained in Chris Vogler's cd's) has really helped me in writing fiction. I would have liked to have seen more of that in the video series. Take care & keep up the great work! I look forward to learning more from you.


Short animated movie about the "Hero´s Journey":


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