Paula Fellingham, our official Strengthening Women and Families Expert
Mom watched out the window - she was worried and angry. Eighteen year old Jared was late coming home, again. Just last week Mom had talked to Jared about his curfew, and she thought they had an understanding...midnight on weekends. It was 12:30 am, and he still wasn't home. Parent, when Jared does come home, what would you say to him?
When 18 year old Jared arrives home, after the agreed-upon curfew, parents need to be awake, and ready to discuss his disobedience kindly but firmly.
Since Mom was confused about whether there was a solid understanding of curfew time, that's the first order of business. Mom could say, "Jared, what it your understanding of the time you should be home?"
Read Paula's entire article How to Handle Curfews for Teenagers