Dr. Jeanne King, our official Abusive Relationships Expert
Affluent battered mothers and divorce attorneys are a receipt for rape in the rawest form--legal abuse in domestic violence divorce. Now this doesn't mean that divorce lawyers are rapists or that domestic abuse victims are an accident waiting to happen. What it means is that the dynamics between these two groups of people are ripe for a classic rape. Here's why...
Battered Women and Divorce
Battered women are both empowered and vulnerable on the threshold of divorce court. They experience the exhilaration of being out from under their perpetrator's control, at least in the home. You can actually feel the burden of oppression lifted from their spirit at the prospect of their sweeping the eggshells from the kitchen floor.
They walk in the world with this new-found relief as they open to experiencing themselves in a new way beyond the grip of their abusive relationship. The optimism, innocence and habits of victimization that they bring with them sets them up for their next controlling relationship--the one with their divorce lawyer.
Read Jeanne's entire article Legal Domestic Abuse - The Rape of Affluent Battered Women by Their Divorce Lawyers
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