Paula Fellingham, our official Strengthening Women and Families Expert
I love helping young parents learn the principles that will help them create strong, loving families. I'd like to share four of these with you:
1. Kindness: Kind thoughts, kind words, kind tone of voice, and kind actions should be family goals. Mother Teresa said, "Spread love and kindness wherever you go. First of all in your own home. Show kindness to your husband or wife, to your children, to a next-door neighbor. Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier." Frequent expressions of love, appreciation and admiration are heard in the homes of families raising kind, confident children.
2. Commitment: Just like the garden which flourishes when it is lovingly cultivated, our children need to be nurtured with our best effort and our time. We should be willing to give both quality and quantity time to our family. Quality time means that when we're with one another we're 100 percent there, focused on family members' needs and happiness. Quantity time means that we're with our families as often as we can be. This is a challenge sometimes, but if our family relationships truly are our highest priority, time needs to be given to those relationships. There is no substitute for unhurried time with our loved ones.
Read Paula's entire article Four Parenting Principles to Create Strong, Loving Families
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