Warning signs of infidelity can take many forms but if you know which signs to look for, it can make this difficult investigative journey a bit easier and definitely less expensive than hiring a private investigator. Infidelity can take many forms but usually begins as emotional infidelity and then progresses to sexual infidelity. A person's gut instinct is usually right, but if you notice any of the below top 20 warning signs of infidelity, the likelihood of your partner cheating becomes even more so. If you discover infidelity, be prepared with a master plan of action. Surviving infidelity is just as difficult as the discovery so make sure that you have a master plan of action as to how you will cope if infidelity is discovered.
Read Stephany's entire article Top 20 Warning Signs of Infidelity and Surviving
Stephany Alexander, our official Dating Expert
Dr. King you are absolutely correct when someone discovers the truth about infidelity in marriage, they must be prepared to deal with it. Just being a good detective is simply opening the door to the truth but what happens after that virtually no one exactly knows but you must emotionally prepare yourself and have your intellect keep check on your emotions so you wouldn't make a wrong emotional choice. Be Well
Posted by: Rakesh Sethi | April 11, 2011 at 05:48 PM