Nancy Gerber, Our official Marketing 101 Expert says:
So many people complain that they just don't have time for marketing. Here's a list of 23 things -- some of them complete tasks and some of them steps in a larger process -- that almost anyone can complete in 15 minutes or less.
Imagine how much you could get done if you set a timer and actually committed to this small amount of time even just 4 days a week -- you'll have accomplished 4 hours of customer attraction activity in a month! That's probably a LOT more than you're doing now, right?
Read Nancy's entire article The 15 Minute Marketer: 21 Marketing Activities You CAN Actually Do in 15 Minutes or Less
I Would Say To Listen To a Music at the Beach With a Nice Girl of My Partner
Thank you
Posted by: Payam | January 18, 2009 at 03:30 AM