Do you have a product, service or message you'd like to share with the world? How would you like marketing it to be easy, natural and fun?
I'm Marnie Pehrson, the creator of, and I've been helping hundreds of thousands of people get their messages out online since 1996. I'm here to tell you that marketing not only CAN be easy, natural and fun, but also it BETTER be if you want to be successful at it! Otherwise you just won't stick with it long enough to make it work.
I'd like to acknowledge something about you that's very important. If you're reading this, then you have something fundamentally necessary for successful online marketing. That's a desire! A desire to get your product, service or message out is critical. When your desire overpowers your fear, self-doubt and overwhelm, you'll do what it takes to succeed. So pat yourself on the back for having that desire!
When someone asks you what you do, or visits your site, can you convey to them in seconds what you have to offer in a compelling way where they get it? Seconds is all you have. How would you like them to exclaim, "I love that! Tell me more!" I'm going to share with you three steps to achieving that type of reaction.
First, get clear about the problem you see in the world. How are people suffering because they don't know what you know or because they don't have the product or service you offer? Are they lonely? afraid? trapped? stuck? depressed? dying? Make a list of the ways that people are suffering because they don't know what you know or have what you have.
Second, what are the benefits that people will experience if they have what you have or know what you know? Once they have the solution you provide will they experience phenomenal relationships? Feel like they're floating on air? Be free? Achieve their dreams? Feel fantastically energetic and healthy?
Third, who do you serve? What types of people can benefit from what you have to offer? Please, don't say "everyone." Everyone isn't your market. You can't possibly service the entire globe. Even if you believe everyone needs what you have, not everyone is going to be responsive to you. You need to narrow it down. Think of the people you've helped in the past -- which ones have been your favorites? What professions, gender, age-range, interests, or personality types are they?
Now put them all together to create your elevator speech. I'll give you an example. Here's mine:
I'm Marnie Pehrson, the creator of The problem I see in the world is that highly talented, knowledgeable and creative people are going to their graves with their messages trapped inside them. This lack of self expression makes them feel unfulfilled and empty, which often leads to depression and even overweight and ill health. Why? Because they're
- Trapped in fear -- of what other people will think, of failure, even of success
- Plagued by self-doubt. "Who am I that anyone would listen to me?" they ask.
- Overwhelmed by everything involved in the "how to" of it.
What if I told you that there's a way to greatly reduce, if not eliminate these three? What if you could convey your message powerfully in a way that grabbed people and made them want what you have to offer? What if you could feel the exhilaration of knowing you are delivering the message of your heart and it's changing lives? It's changing the world! You can!
May I share a solution? I call it "Deliver Your Message to the Hearts of Thousands with Half the Effort!" In this free audio you'll discover the single most powerful tool for cutting through the noise and delivering your message in a powerful way that changes lives for the better. Grab your copy today for free at
Ok, there's mine. Now, you give it a try! Combine the problem, the solution and who you serve to create your own grabbing explanation of what you do. You'll be able to use it everywhere -- at networking meetings, online, and even expand it into a signature speech.
Don't forget to pick up that audio and start delivering your message to the hearts and minds of thousands with half the effort!
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