Michele PW, our official Marketing Online Expert
On the surface, starting an internet-based business may seem like a dream come true. A business owner can start a business out of her home, selling her products and services everywhere and anywhere in the world without big marketing budgets or lots of advertising. However, once she puts up her first web site, that dream often comes crashing down -- it's not nearly as easy as it first looks. So, she does her research. She starts learning everything she can about Internet Marketing. But it's still not as simple as what the "gurus" say. Maybe the business owner is still stuck at her current revenue goals and she knows she could be making more. Maybe she feels uncomfortable or "icky" around her marketing. Maybe she agonizes over every negative email and feedback she gets. And maybe she feels like there must be a better way. Here are 3 tips to use to get more success through Internet Marketing:
1. Pull up those big girl panties and get some business training. People start businesses for all sorts of reasons that have really nothing to do with owning their own business. They want freedom, to provide for their families, to not have a boss, to get their message out into the world, to make a difference. None of those reasons started with the words, "I love business." So it only stands to reason they have little to no training or experience in business. If that's the case, it's unlikely that business will come naturally. Learning to run a business is like learning to do any skill. Learn to run an effective, profitable business, and put Internet Marketing in its proper place, which is . . .
Read Michele's entire article 3 Tips to Internet Marketing Even if It's Not Your Cup of Tea