We're building a ghostwriter directory for writers to list themselves as ghostwriters and for those who need help creating quality articles to find someone to write for them. Our objective is to help people create higher quality articles to use in their marketing efforts. Sometimes it helps to have someone else ghostwrite the article and then add your own "voice" to it - customizing it a little to make it your own.
For ghostwriters who wish to list themselves in the directory and include ghostwriting information on their IdeaMarketers writer profile, log into your writer account, then either choose Edit Profile under Manage Account or go directly to a short form for entering your ghostwriter information .
Here's an extra perk for ghostwriters - if you bid for promotion on an article and it's a high enough bid for the article to appear on the home page, it will display a little ghostwriter icon next to it. That icon will link directly to your profile where they can read about your ghostwriting services. (Be aware that the home page is on a periodic update, so if you add your ghostwriter information, it may take several hours for your icon to appear).
Over the next few days we'll also modify the channel categories to display the ghost icon next to ghostwriters' articles on those pages as well.
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