If you're a coach or a consultant, do you have all the clients you need? If not, you might find this post interesting...
Back in 1999, I first learned about the field of coaching when a coach volunteered her services to me for a 3-month trial period. I’ve always been a “get it done” kind of person and really didn't think I needed a coach, but I wanted to learn more about it since many of our writers on IdeaMarketers.com were coaches. I was amazed at how much I was able to accomplish with this woman’s help! The Publisher’s Toolbox system on IdeaMarketers is a direct result of that coaching experience, as is SheLovesGod.com.
Eventually, I worked a barter arrangement with her where she worked with me for about 18 months in exchange for me promoting and marketing her coaching practice. We worked together until she retired to dedicate her time to her first baby. In the process of promoting this coach’s services (and other coach’s services), I learned an immense amount about promoting this field of business online.
Coaching is one of those illusive services that is hard to quantify – "a better life," "more peace," "more free time"... none of this really tells you anything you can grab onto. Why would you want to spend your money on something you can’t quantify? Not only do coaches need to learn to quantify what they do for people, but also they have to get out there and prove that they are experts in their fields. It takes writing articles, doing teleclasses, putting your name and face in front of your prospects repeatedly. The LocateACoach.com system is an automated compilation of everything I’ve learned about promoting coaches online.
Most people think this site is just a directory of coaches, but it is SO much more than that. It’s a system for marketing a coaching practice. It takes the powerhouse traffic of IdeaMarketers and puts it at a coach’s disposal. Free members can list their coaching services in LocateACoach, but for those who are willing to pay a modest fee, they gain access to powerful marketing services on IdeaMarketers.com.
Hands down, the best bang-for-a-coach’s-buck is a Gold membership for $29.95/month. They get the following:
- $30 in promotional bid dollars every month that they can use to promote their articles at IdeaMarketers,
- a Publisher's Toolbox PRO account for creating killer-ezines and finding content for their sites,
- their teleclasses are promoted on IdeaMarketers!
- their profile on LocateACoach is enhanced with their articles, teleclasses, special offers, etc.
- and much more!
It’s an amazingly powerful group of services... IF the coach will get in there and use it. It's one of those sites where the more you put in about yourself, the more we can promote you. The question you might have is, "Is it hard to use?" No, it’s incredibly simple! Even the biggest technophobe can use this site. It’s all just fill-in-the-blank. The biggest skill one needs to know is how to cut and paste.
So if you’re a coach, hop on over and give it a try…
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