Dolly Parton once said, "Discover who you are and do it on purpose." I love that! It's such a phenomenal way to live your life. It's also a great way to do business. So many people struggle to market themselves using all the latest tactics the gurus suggest and still fall miserably short. It's not that the tactics are bad, it's that most people use them without ever getting clear about what it is they're marketing.
Until you lay a foundation of who you are, what you stand for, and how you intend to make the world a better place with the products, services, and messages you deliver, marketing is going to be a struggle. Once you get clear, decisions come easier and the right people, events, and circumstances start flowing toward you -- especially if you convey that clarity in everything you do. Everything about you and your marketing materials should radiate this "brand of you."
Sound like a tall order? It really is easier said than done. It takes some real thought and some foundational soul searching. Most of us don't even know where to begin on our own. For example, while it's intuitive for me to see the core message for others, I have a tough time getting clarity for myself. There's one person who has been critical in me finding the clarity I searched for for years. That person is my friend Phillip Davis of Pure Tungsten. Phil has a knack for cutting through all the information overload, clutter, and scores of interests an individual may have and getting to the core. What's more, he has a way to teach you how to do it for yourself!
Recently I had Phil on one of my Mondays with Marnie calls to talk about this. The response was so phenomenal that Phil asked me to co-host a 4-week telecourse with him called Radiant Branding: How to Discover Your Brilliance and Let It Shine! We set up a site at . You'll want to visit it if you crave the kind of clarity that wakes you up with a sense of possibility, knowing that your gifts, talents and abilities are the perfect match for those who would greatly appreciate them. On this site you'll be able to listen to the call that started it all . . . it's on the right hand column, midway down the page. You'll also be able to sign up for the course that starts November 25th.
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