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November 17, 2009



thank you Marnie, that was very helpfull for me to read!!! I am thank full that you are such a gifted writer.


Money and time is holding me back. I want to go back to school to do something completely different but I can't leave my job because I need the money. The course I am looking to get in to doesn't offer part-time evening and weekend courses.

Kimberly Thornton

This is very powerful because it highlights the way we think. When we serve God it's not an either or it's all the above. I needed that today. Thank you!!!!


Seemed to be turning the corner last year on my finances. Had a very nice business deal that I did everything right morally and in every way and 2 months later the whole thing unraveled and now I am left with a large debt that will take years to pay off possibly. I just feel so down I don't seem to have any faith or energy that I can do anything right and I' scared for mydelf and my family. I'll try and follow your words though.


Wow you were right on again Marnie. I am a songwriter and I started getting involved with a group called songwriters unplugged. I really believe the Spirit of God is leading in that direction. I thought though well you don;t get paid for it and I could use the money. i would like to get payed for what I do. I believe that is scriptural. God bless. Janice.

Joyce M. Averils

What a powerful message, Marnie! Thank you.


the timing for me to receive the article is God given.

J. & E.

Hi Marnie!

Your message as always is right on target. It seems like when we get our eyes off the Master and start to focus too much on the problems that things just get worse. But then God brings you along as a spiritual irritant(LOL) and an exhorter of His word to us
and we get back on track again. Thanks for letting God use you as His servant to us all. Blessings,
J.& E.


Thank you Marnie for your message of hope and encouragement. Your words hit home for me, and it was what I needed to hear.

God Bless,


Richie Perl

Thanks, Marnie!

Sometimes I question my gifts when nobody seems to want them!
God knows I offer them to Him.
But, sometimes, I just would like to see some tangible results!


this was a real blessing to me, it was clear and i will use every scripture you are a god sent for sharing to others. thank you Helen

Cindy Forrester

Thank you Marnie,

I really needed to hear those words today, they are right on time and give so much hope!!!

God Bless,


Geneva Garrison

Thank you so much for the encouragement. I see everyday how God is on my side and is able to impact my life only if I let Him. My husband was critically ill last year so we've had a year to grow much closer and see where we need to let go and let God! What a wonderful blessing this year has been. God is a great and awesome God. Leslie Householder is great also. Very good info from her site. May God bless you both! Thanks again! Geneva


Yes, that is exactly where I am right now. Marnie, is your coaching offer still available??

RK Deuri

Me really happy with you for the message you have sent to me.Its great and powerful.

the secret of prosperity that is misteriously hidden from so many is given, thanks for the encouaragement. you are a giver the encouragement increase my joy in giving esp;ecially to God

Albert Kamau

Hi Marnie, I surely don't know how to say thank you for just the rihgt time God uses your heart to encourage and comfort me. I am a pastor yet an international student from Kenya trying to find a footing here in Australia.
At the moment my life in upside down, I don't know whether I am going or coming, but this morning I opened my e-mail and read those words and my spirit was lifted again, just to know how much God is thinking of me.
Thank you and God bless you


Daily Finances is holding me back, Its seems that I have to struggle harder. But it seems that its hard for me to do it because if im stock in just 1 day i will miss much money. Thanks to you at this point in time I am given a BIG HOPE that I will just do my best in God's Care and everything will be due on its proper time.

Moms Increasing Literacy Wendy

I am held back by desire to make sure I don't sacrifice the big dream, my children and eternal family, to my small dreams travel, more and better things, career advancement, and more education. I am trying to decide how much I can do and still keep the important things in line and working properly

sewa mobil

I enjoyed reading your post. It was informative and interesting and I look forward to more in the future.

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  • Julie Coulter Bellon
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  • Leslie Householder
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