I’m a little behind on my posts because we’ve been going solid for the past couple days. We’re currently in Harrisburg Pennsylvania, and we’ll be going to Hershey tomorrow. Can’t wait to get lots of chocolate!
On Saturday we went to Niagara Falls. What an amazing spectacle that was. We had no idea that you could stand by the falls and feel the water spraying on you from the intense winds created by the falls. Loved it!
On Saturday evening we attended the Hill Cumorah Pageant – an annual performance our church puts on in the Palmyra NY area. It’s a reenactment of highlights from the Book of Mormon and tells the story of a man named Lehi and his sons who escaped Jerusalem with their wives just before it was destroyed in 600 BC (during the time of Jeremiah). They built a boat, crossed the ocean, and settled in the Americas. These are the forebears of today’s Native Americans.
They took with them the equivalent of the first 5 books of the Old Testament. Half of them became wicked (the Lamanites) and the other half continued to serve God (the Nephites). The Nephites looked forward to the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ. They kept records on thin golden pages (called plates). About 400 BC, a prophet named Mormon made an abridgement of these records and called it The Book of Mormon. When a great war destroyed the Nephites and Mormon was killed in battle, his son Moroni hid the golden plates in the Hill Cumorah in Palmyra, New York (the site of the pageant).
The central story of the Book of Mormon is Christ’s visit to the America’s after his resurrection. He descended from heaven, blessed their children, healed their sick, and taught them. This was beautifully depicted in the performance with a glowing figure descending out of heaven. It looked very authentic. The special effects were spectacular and the kids loved it. It’s something they won’t soon forget.
I’ll include photos of the pageant in my next video.
Marnie -that was so nice and I love that song, too! Great job on your videos and posts! Have fun!
Posted by: Nancy | July 14, 2008 at 01:16 PM