We sold our house and my husband decided he wanted to take the satellite dish with us. As terrified of heights as he is, I asked him how much the dish was worth. How much would it cost to buy another one? To me, it seemed ridiculous to risk his life on something that was worth a few hundred dollars. I was the only one available to help him and I was scared to death. I pulled the rope on the extension ladder and watched it go higher and higher as he held it away from the house. Finally, it was in position and he started to climb. I stood on the concrete slab and watched the aluminum ladder shake each time he stepped on the next rung. Thoughts ran through my head. If he started to fall, what would I do? How fast could I dial "911"? Since I'm one who generally uses humor to make it through tough situations, I thought of yelling up to him, "Hey, if you fall, I'm not throwing myself down to cushion your fall," but decided this probably wasn't a good time. At one point, after chipping away at the sealant around the dish itself, he did temporarily lose his balance. My heart practically jumped out of my body, but I wasn't the only one it scared. He had to stop for a minute to regain his composure. I rotated between holding the ladder steady and pacing around it. I just knew he was going to fall.
Read Joyce's entire article Visualize Success
Joyce Pierce, our official Family Preparedness Expert
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