Do you know how profitable your tax lien investing is? In this article you’ll learn how to track your tax lien portfolio so that you know just how profitable you are at any time. Begin by entering all of your tax liens into a spreadsheet or software program. The best way to index them is by county/municipality, and tax ID (in New Jersey this would be block and lot). You’ll need a column or field for the certificate amount and a column or field to input the interest rate that you are getting on the certificate amount. You’ll also need to input any premium that was paid. You’ll need to have a formula to calculate the penalty amount and a formula to calculate the interest due. These formulas must also take into account how many days have lapsed since you purchased the tax lien certificate. You’ll also need to be able to track any subsequent taxes and the interest paid on them. And you will need a way to keep track of all of your expenses, both the expenses that are reimbursed upon redemption of the tax lien certificate and those that are not.
Read Joanne's entire article How Profitable is Your Tax Lien Investing?
Joanne Musa, our official Tax Lien Investing Expert
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