Phillip Davis, our official Branding and Naming Expert
There's comes a time in the life cycle of many established businesses when the owner wonders if the original company name might be doing more harm than good. But how can one know for sure? Maybe it's just the economy, or the competition, or a change in staff? Well now there's a gage, a metric, seven surefire indicators to help determine if it's the name that's causing the problem.
Rebranding Symptom number 1: The Guessing Game (Explaining what business you are really in.)
Of all the reasons to rebrand, this is the most urgent. Worse than having a name that leads nowhere is the name that leads in the wrong direction! Think of it this way, instead of starting off in neutral with a coined name, this type of name has customers going into reverse. You actually have to arrest them, correct the misperception, and then re-explain what it is that you really do! When I've visited my physical therapist for weekend warrior issues, she has shared that her company name confuses some of her clients. The Center for Perfect Balance leads many to think she has a yoga studio or a clinic for ear/balance disorders.
Rebranding Symptom number 2: "We're More Than . . . (fill in the blank)"
Read Phillip's entire article Seven Signs It's Time to Rebrand Your Company
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