Dr. Valerie Young, our official Career Change Expert
Taking Baby Steps on Behalf of a Dream: What One Man's Story Can Teach You About Living the Life You Want
In the last issue of Changing Course was the story of Angela and her dream of living in Spain. Angela's unfulfilled dream prompted this response from a very engaging fellow named Liam Hughes from Milwaukee, Wisconsin who also dreamed of living in another country.
Regardless of whether your dream is to travel internationally, start your own consulting company, or set up shop on eBay, Liam's story offers lessons to anyone who wants to turn their dreams into reality. Here is Liam's story in his own words:
For years I had been going to Ireland to visit family. Then in 1989 a cousin in Ireland told me that a cottage close to the family farm was up for sale. Although it had been empty for several years and required a lot of work, I knew I had found home. My great grandfather came from Knockahopple in the mid-1800s and I was returning. I put a bid on it and after some back and forth, I was happy to say I owned a very nice cottage on two acres.
Happy but broke. Not because I paid so much for the cottage but because at the time I wasn't in the best shape financially. I needed a car in the worst way but the prospect of owning a cottage in Ireland was so exciting that I forgot about how badly I needed a car. Money was so tight then that I wasn't able to get back to Ireland for another two years. The point is I made sacrifices. But without a doubt it was the best investment I probably will ever make. The Euro came in and my property value went through the roof.
Read Valerie's entire article Taking Baby Steps on Behalf of a Dream:
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