Running a business means dealing with problems, just like any other part of your life. You'll run into problems with technology, client problems, marketing problems, problems with your outsourced help or employees and life problems that take time and energy away from your business. How you deal with those problems will have a big impact on your success.
If you let yourself be drawn into the drama that a problem seems to create you become emotionally invested in it. When a problem comes up suddenly and unexpectedly its easy to immediately become fearful or angry and go into reaction mode. Most people try to avoid problems at all costs because they disrupt our plans and daily routines.
Read Janis' entire article How You Deal with Problems Can Impact Your Success
Janis Pettit, our official Small Business Strategy Coach Expert
Problem comes up suddenly its easy to become fearful and go into reaction mode. So, business is a goal setting what we like to do.We can diligently try to avoid the topic because we have limited success with achieving any goal. Setting our goals down is as important as getting done.If we have an open mind to suggestions and information this is high time we evaluate why factors influencing the goal sets.
Posted by: julyla keyes | February 04, 2011 at 03:35 AM