Self-publishing provides a wonderful opportunity for any author who wants to take control over the publishing process and get their words into print. But because self-publishing is so easy to accomplish with a few bucks and some typed pages, many authors make mistakes along the way.
As a former bookstore owner, I have seen it all. A steady stream of authors used to parade through the store with their books and I could instantly tell when a book was self-published on a budget. From low-quality cover design and lack of editing to unreasonable pricing and an absent marketing plan, at least 90 percent of the authors I encountered made some major mistakes.
As a former bookstore owner, I have seen it all. A steady stream of authors used to parade through the store with their books and I could instantly tell when a book was self-published on a budget. From low-quality cover design and lack of editing to unreasonable pricing and an absent marketing plan, at least 90 percent of the authors I encountered made some major mistakes.
You can avoid new author pitfalls by preparing to be successful. Following are some guidelines to get you started on your journey.
Read Stephanie's entire article How to Successfully Self-Publish Your Book: Avoid New Author Pitfalls by Preparing for Your Journey
Stephanie Chandler, our official Entrepreneurial Expert
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