If you’ve been thinking about starting a business, but are held back due to cash-flow issues, there are plenty of ways you can get your plans off the ground. Though your vision may be to own a big store, restaurant, warehouse, or office, consider starting on a smaller scale.
Every business must start somewhere. In fact, the founder of Kinkos started with one copy machine and some spiral notebooks for sale in a tiny rented space near a college. With a little ingenuity and some perseverance, you can make your business dreams come true. Here are ten ideas to get you started:
Every business must start somewhere. In fact, the founder of Kinkos started with one copy machine and some spiral notebooks for sale in a tiny rented space near a college. With a little ingenuity and some perseverance, you can make your business dreams come true. Here are ten ideas to get you started:
1. Start part-time and reinvest the profits into your ultimate business goal. If you really want to make your business dreams come true, carve some extra time out of your day by skipping the evening news and bad sitcoms.
Read Stephanie's entire article Ten Ways to Start a Business on a Budget
Stephanie Chandler, our official Entrepreneurial Expert
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