Before you can have clients, you need to have prospects -- that's what marketing is all about. If your marketing isn't attracting the kind of people you'd like to be working with, it's like pushing a rope -- you are trying to sell them something they don't need, and they are looking for something you don't offer. A little fine-tuning of your marketing plan can make the difference between a solo business that lurches and stalls, and a business that runs smoothly and is fun to operate.
Your Four-Point Marketing Tune-Up Checklist:
Your Four-Point Marketing Tune-Up Checklist:
Understand the difference between your Target Market and your Niche. A target market has distinguishing demographic characteristics; for example, recently widowed working women under 50.
Read Terri's entire article Self Employed Business Marketing Plan: 4 Tips to Fine-Tune Your Niche Marketing
Terri Zwierzynski, our official Solo-Entrepreneur Expert
I have read that article which you have given for Niche marketing and there is lot of information in it.I can say that I have learned something from that article marketing.Its good that you have shares this with us.
Posted by: dean graziosi | March 20, 2010 at 01:17 AM