One of the best ways to generate more income is to stop selling your expertise by the hour. Your expertise -- knowledge, skills, methods -- are your most valuable assets. By taking your expertise and packaging it in various information products, you can sell your expertise 24/7/365.
So if your knowledge, skills and methods are your most valuable assets, why in the world would I suggest that you give it away as a marketing strategy?? Because giving away your expertise lays the foundation for multiple streams of income. Why this works:
So if your knowledge, skills and methods are your most valuable assets, why in the world would I suggest that you give it away as a marketing strategy?? Because giving away your expertise lays the foundation for multiple streams of income. Why this works:
Access to lots of free information is already available and potential customers expect to find it.
Read Terri's entire article Information Product Marketing Strategy: Give Away What You Know (and Lots of it!)
Terri Zwierzynski, our official Solo-Entrepreneur Expert
Excellent insight. Expertise is a very valuable asset. I am going to teach this to my students preparing for interviews, thanks Doug
Posted by: D Stowell | March 07, 2010 at 04:51 PM